My First Sock
Ta Daaaaa!!!!! It only took 2 1/2 weeks to make! Actually, the learning curve was 2 1/2 weeks since I got the machine (it's still a very steep curve, though!); the 1 sock took about 4 1/2 hours to make....very frustrating..... Haven't mastered the ribber yet, so used a hem top. There are lots and lots of holes in the sock, the hem is loose, and I didn't bother to kitchner (sp?) the toes, since I know I'm not going to give them to anybody. BUT, I made a sock!!! Woo hoo!!! Now I only need to make 149 1/2 more of these to break even on my circular sock machine!!!!
This weekend was very busy, in terms of knitting. Besides the sock above, I made a sock bonnet for my machine (it makes it easier for me to start my socks off right), knit 3 little girl sweaters and part of a little boy sweater, and did the swatches for the cocktail dress I am planning on knitting and wearing to Celeste's wedding. I am desperately looking for my calcuknit knitting calculator so that I can chart my dress, but I cannot seem to find it! I have also been looking on the knitting lists for a reasonably-priced calcuknit, but so far, no luck.
And lastly, I am in....Ravelry!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Pics of the sweaters (actually, parts of sweaters) and my sock machine to be posted tomorrow!
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