
Musings on machine knitting, the art of knitting, and the mechanics of knitting. Maybe once in awhile I'll talk about my kids, but I'll warn you first, so that you can skip that part.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Feeling Better Now

I'm feeling better now. In fact, I felt better right after my anti-kid rant the other day. Soooo....let's talk about knitting.

I was asked to be in a fundraising calendar for the cancer support organization that I volunteer for on Tuesday nights. It will feature cancer survivors as well as women in treatment. The calendar will focus on what has inspired cancer patients/survivors during and after treatment, what makes them feel better. One of the featured women said that she feels inspired when she is surrounded by men (so they took a picture of her surrounded by men!). Another said her favorite activity is to lie in bed (I wish I'd thought of that! It's my favorite activity, too!). And one of my friends said she loves to do tai chi, while another woman (60 years old, no less) said she took up rollerblading. Well, given the range of activities of the other women, I said I love to knit. So they are going to take pictures of me at my knitting machine surrounded by cones of yarn and stuff that I made. So I guess I am going to have to finish the brown suit to wear for the photo shoot, as well as take back the sweater I made for my friend's son's graduation, and do the fringing on all the shawls I have sitting in a pile. All that in the next week. Fun!

By the way, I borrowed my son's digital camera and brought it to work. I will ask one of my co-workers to take a picture of me wearing my unfinished suit. I'll try to post it later this afternoon.


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