
Musings on machine knitting, the art of knitting, and the mechanics of knitting. Maybe once in awhile I'll talk about my kids, but I'll warn you first, so that you can skip that part.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I Ate Off My Diet and Am Going to Knit a Baby Sweater

I got in trouble on Monday because my office is messy and because I come in late and have not really been doing any work. Sigh. So guess who is coming in to work right on time and is cranking out a lot of (long overdue) work? You get one guess.

Today was orientation day for the graduate students here and, since I am running very very low on the HMR food, I decided to join the students at their lunch because it was free and because it was THERE, after asking my friend who organized the day if it was okay. Well, let me tell you just how okay it was: three pieces of fried chicken, a slice of veggie lasagna, 2 pieces of garlic bread, salad, and slices of pineapple later, I am stuffed. Literally stuffed. And it has been 4.5 hours since I ate lunch. I don't think I am going to eat dinner tonight....maybe just have an HMR shake.....

There goes the pound I lost this week! I have so little willpower. Okay. I am jumping back on the diet bandwagon and starting over again. I HAVE to lose this weight! I MUST!!!!!

I could go to the gym and swim tonight, but I had a really great workout today: 25 minutes on the elliptical, and 20 minutes on the bike, and a full lower body weight workout: innees, outees, glutes, hams, and quads. Then 300 crunches.

ANNOUNCEMENT: MY BOSS SAID SHE COULD TELL I AM LOSING WEIGHT!!!! YIPPEEE!!!! Someone else has noticed that I am on my way to becoming svelte again!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!! But no, I will not post a picture yet because it's only my stomach that looks a little flatter. The rest of me is still humongous.

Okay. Now it is time to tie knitting into this post, since, after all, this IS a knitting blog!!! Hmmmm.....try and try as I might, I can't think of anything! I haven't knitted in awhile, I already told you that I have looked through my stacks of knitting magazines, and I haven't yet decided what I will knit next. Oh yes, I have: I am going to knit a baby sweater for someone at work. Her baby is already 8 months (oops!), so i guess I will knit a sweater for a one year old. I printed out the pattern and it is from Tricia's website, Knittersedge. I have some pretty lavender Four Seasons yarn. I like that yarn a lot because it is acrylic but looks and feels like cotton. Or should I say, it looks and feels like cotton but is really acrylic so it can be washed and dried in the dryer.

Okay. THAT is my knitting news: I will knit a baby sweater this week.


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