
Musings on machine knitting, the art of knitting, and the mechanics of knitting. Maybe once in awhile I'll talk about my kids, but I'll warn you first, so that you can skip that part.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Knitting and Weight Loss

Knitting and weight loss. Hmmmm. Let me get the knitting part of this blog out of the way first. I haven't knit anything lately, but I have been browsing through all of my Vogue Knitting issues, Machine Knitting News, and the KnitKing magazines. I am looking for inspiration. I want to update my wardrobe with my knitwear, now that I seem to be getting the hang of of machine knitting. I have tons of venetian yarn and I want to de-stash by knitting wearable garments for work. Also, I have two big events coming up: the memorial for Dr. Roemer, and my niece's wedding.

Since the memorial will be on a Saturday, I am planning to wear something semi-casual. No jeans, but perhaps dress slacks with a KNITTED jacket. I kind of want to knit a plaid jacket, but at my current level of expertise, I think that is asking too much. Or, I might try a twinset in this really pretty shade of green (when I was younger, though, I thought of it as ick-green) in venetian. I spoke with Tricia Shafer a few weeks ago about one of her patterns, and she told me how to program the pattern into my 930. Here are a couple of pictures:

Isn't it pretty? These photos were taken from Tricia Shafer's website. Since I have boobs, I will probably have to shortrow the front so that it will fit properly.

For my niece's wedding, I am still leaning towards a long jacket made with pale pink venetian and mohair. I don't know if I will make a dress (without the mohair, though) or a skirt. I already have a shell that I knit a long time ago. I put up a picture of part of it when I talked about my new necklaces. I plan to wear the brown suit to the rehearsal dinner.

Okay. Now it is time for weight loss talk! I have lost 7 pounds on the diet in the last 3 weeks! I am so excited. I still look the same, though my skirts are a tiny bit less tight on me. I am hoping to lose another 12 or 15 pounds by October 1st, which is the date of Dr. Roemer's memorial. I haven't seen my friends/colleagues/professors in 7 years and I do not want them to see me with the 20 pounds I have gained since graduation. I want to look, if not svelte, then thinner and smoother. No lumps around my waistline! (I've lost an inch on my waistline, by the way).

This diet is a breeze, by the way. No real hunger pangs, because HMR says when you are hungry, just eat! So I do! But I still lose weight! I love this diet!

I have been working out almost every day for the last 10 days. I am disappointed that I can't see much progress, but I do feel a lot better and, as I said above, my clothes fit better, too. I do 40-60 minutes of cardio (elliptical, recumbant bike, and sometimes the treadmill), and a good weight workout for my upper body (chest, back, arms, shoulders) and my lower body (inner and outer thigh, quads, hams, and glutes). I do at least 300 crunches every day. Usually, I break up the upper body workout because I only can spend 1 to 1.5 hours at the gym in the morning.

So why do I want to lose weight? Yeah,yeah, for my health, but the real reason is because I want to get married! And how can I meet anyone in the condition that I am in? So, my goal to lose is 25 pounds this year and another 25 pounds in 2006. Wish me luck!

When I've lost enough weight so people can tell, I will post a picture.


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