
Musings on machine knitting, the art of knitting, and the mechanics of knitting. Maybe once in awhile I'll talk about my kids, but I'll warn you first, so that you can skip that part.

Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm Still Alive!

But barely.......Lots of stuff has been going on: my son left to go back to college, my younger daughter came for a 2.5 week stay to get her medical checkup and other sundry tasks done before she goes to the Peace Corps but she left yesterday to go back to New York, where she wants to be based, my older daughter has been having a complete tantrum because I've decided to move to Pasadena to a smaller place so that I could 1) save money, and 2) start the 2nd part of my life (sans kids). Yes, I said I am MOOOOVING ON!

But but but the most important thing that has happened since I last talked to you is this: I LOST A TOTAL OF 12 POUNDS!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! AND people have noticed!!!!!! I am so excited. Those 300 situps/mininum 40 minutes of cardio/complete weight training for both upper and lower body have really paid off.

Sigh. Lots and lots of things have been happening, some good and some bad. My younger daughter was diagnosed with lupus, but (and I really really hate to cast aspersions) we don't believe the doctor because he seemed so....welll....over zealous in diagnosing her. I did my research on the internet and my daughter has only 1 or 2 of the symptoms for lupus. You need a at least 5 or 7 of the 11 traits or symptoms. My boss is a doctor and I work with lots of doctors and I've talked to some of them and they all say that based on what I've told them, it does not sound as if she has lupus. I hate to do it, but we are going over the doctor's head and talking to the head rheumatologist at our medical center. I googled the first doctor today and discovered he only graduated from medical school a few years ago and just completed his residency a couple of years ago! There is something to be said for experience, and we are going to go for that.

My daughter is so upset because she really really wants to join the Peace Corps but they won't want her if she is diagnosed with lupus.

Now about the move to Pasadena: I can't wait. I do have some concerns (for example, about the extremely small size of the place!), but it is a beautiful area and in a very good neighborhood. I feel really torn about moving away because my daughter is so deadset against it because she feels I should be helping her instead of looking after myself. I do feel kind of like a deadbeat parent, but she is, after all, almost 24 and not 14. She is an Ivy League graduate and is a full-time wage earner and student. She is trying to finish the prerequisites to get into med school (she goofed off in college). I will try to help her as much as I can, but I really need to move on with my life. I spent so much time taking care of my children and their educations and my own education that I am so far behind in the retirement department. I would simply like to catch up.