
Musings on machine knitting, the art of knitting, and the mechanics of knitting. Maybe once in awhile I'll talk about my kids, but I'll warn you first, so that you can skip that part.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tag......I'm It

Well, well, well.....I googled myself (or rather, my alter ego, knutty4knitting) tonight and what did I find? I was tagged on May 5th by no less than Lucia, the knitting fiend!!!!! The task is to reveal 7 random facts about myself......well, better late than never, so here goes..........

1. I still think about an old crush, someone who I feel was my soul mate in another lifetime.

2. I still haven't looked at my grades from last semester, primarily because I'm too afraid to look.

3. I drive a hybrid car (and love love love it!!!)

4. I have two degrees from UCLA.

5. One of the big regrets of my life is that I dropped out of law school.

6. I actually CAN cook, but pretend I can't because I don't think I could live up to the culinary reputation of my mother, who was an excellent cook. Even my kids have bought into the mythology........they don't remember my ever cooking for them....which is silly, since I was a single mother who couldn't take them out to eat EVERY night and since they have grown up to be healthy and happy and intelligent, which I attribute to my excellent and healthy HOME-COOKED meals.

7. My biggest source of pride is not my own academic successes, but rather my children's academic successes. Plus, I like that, at the ripe old age of 47, I have three college graduates!!!!

Bonus fact: I am thinking about learning how to (gulp) HANDKNIT, since machine knitting takes up a lot of set-up and break-down time, as well as space. There. I've said it. (waiting for the thunder to strike.....)

Okay......I don't know very many people who have blogs, so I will tag the people whose blogs I read regularly (and who probably don't know I exist): sonjakathleen (she's my only blogger friend), eiknit, crazyauntpurl (we're neighbors, since I used to live in the Valley!), skinnyrabbit, dancingbarefoot, chicknits, and one of my closest and oldest friends, master rabin (she just started a metaphysical blog).

Let's see how far this goes with no advertising.........